Water Week
2nd-8th June 2025
Water is life. No blue, no green. - Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer

Water is precious. It is the lifeblood of this planet and connects us all. It is essential for all life. We believe in collective action to protect it and safeguard clean and safe water for all.

Water Week, a global environmental education campaign for children and young people, is being delivered in alignment with goals of the UN-Water 2030 Strategy as part of the United Nations Water Action Decade.
UN Water Action Decade


Harness the power of science and storytelling to inspire, inform and empower the next generation of water conservationists

Countdown to launch of
Water Week 2024-25 UK Roadshow

The UK Water Action roadshow will start this September, visiting schools, community groups and businesses taking action for water. National Water Action Youth Summits are open for entries from October and will take place in February 2025, laddering up to the UK Water Action Summit in UK Parliament, in March to celebrate UN World Water Day. Water Week 2025 will take place June 2-8th to coincide with UN World Environment Day (June 5th) and World Oceans Day (June 8th).

Our Approach


EDUCATION - Informing young people with world class STEAM education content
Informing young people with world class STEAM education content


AMPLIFICATION - Engaging young people with storytelling for social change
Engaging young people with storytelling for social change


IMPACT - Empowering young people with opportunities to make a difference and measure impact
Empowering young people with opportunities to make a difference and measure impact
Water Week 2024 - UK Focus on Pollution

In November 2023, a parliamentary reception was held, bringing together representatives from the United Nations, industry leaders, NGOs, and policymakers who are all doing vital work in this space.

The inaugral Water Week (3rd-9th June) will be delivered in the UK with a focus on water pollution, to create a blue print for global replication.



Water Week
For more information and to get involved contact us
Join the Water Action Partnership

If you are a school interested in Water Week sign up here

Water Week has been developed in alignment with the UN Water Strategy as part of the UN Water Action Decade. Water Week 2024 is being delivered by Wastebuster in association with Products of Change, with the support of The Wombles Community Charity. Additional organisations can now join the Water Action Partnership to support its delivery and promote their work to help tackle water pollution.

Principal Founder Partner
Founder Partners
Products of Change The Wombles Community Charity
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