Recycle now with Busta - Investigate Food Recycling (Anaerobic Digestion)
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Recycle Now with Busta is a series of 6 resources for key stages 1 and 2, supporting Maths, Science and English. Each resource comprises a video introduction for pupils and classroom activities, which can be delivered as a series of standalone lessons or as part of a themed project for the summer term. Pupils will investigate plastics, food waste, carton, electrical, metal, paper and cardboard recycling. A waste audit activity is included, plus eco-team activity ideas.
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Recycle now with Busta - Investigate Food Recycling (Anaerobic Digestion)
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Recycle now with Busta - Investigate Food Recycling (In Vessel Composting)
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Recycle now with Busta - Investigate Carton Recycling
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Recycle now with Busta - Investigate Electrical Recycling
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Recycle now with Busta - Investigate Metal Recycling
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Recycle now with Busta - Investigate Paper and Cardboard Recycling
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Recycle Now with Busta - KS1 resource pack
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Recycle Now with Busta - KS2 resource pack
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