Getting Started with Wastebuster Guide
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This pack provides a clear introduction to the Wastebuster resources and the rationale for using this across the whole school. It contains the main resources that can be used to launch the project.
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Getting Started with Wastebuster Guide
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A Guide for Senior Leaders
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A Guide for Teachers
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A Guide for Eco-Coordinators
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Delivering A Waste Or Recycle Week Guide
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Eco-Team Recycling Activities
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Tackling Waste in Schools: Waste Audit
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Tackling Waste in Schools: Waste Audit Worksheet 1
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Tackling Waste in Schools: Waste Audit Worksheet 2
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Tackling Waste in Schools: Waste Action Plan
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West Sussex Year Planner 2023-24
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Waste Information Pack
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How to use a Wastebuster Video Guide
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Busta and Pong Recycling Song Video
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Busta And Pong Find Out What Happens To Waste Video
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Roach Talks Rubbish: What's the point of the 3R's when there is so much rubbish already out there Video
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Roach Talks Rubbish: What's the point in recycling Video
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Roach Talks Rubbish: Doesn't the sea get rid of all the plastics that are in it Video
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