Local Authority Education Programme

Stakeholders and Partners

In collaboration with local authorities who provide funding, the Wastebuster programme supports primary schools in waste education and recycling campaigns focusing on waste minimisation and sustainable resource management in line with UNs Sustainable Development Goals.


Alongside Wastebuster school liaison personnel to encourage school involvement this is achieved through a curriculum-linked primary school education programme on different types of materials recycling. A programme that is delivered through a library of informative videos featuring the adventures of Captain Busta and his crew through storytelling and song and supported by accompanying teacher/information packs, guides, signage, homework activities, national challenges and other appropriate resource materials all in a bid to teach the important messaging of reduce, reuse and recycle more.

  • 28,000+ downloads
  • 8,019 schools
  • 137,000
  • 21 Local authorities (55 districts and boroughs)

Contact the Wastebuster local authority contract team to discuss the service options available by emailing ianm@wastebuster.co.uk.

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